The Neglected Blog

I’ve neglected the project blog page.  It has become most convenient to just take some video with the iPhone, edit it, and shoot it up to YouTube and throw a Facebook post up.  That’s all fine and dandy if you’re my “friend” and are interested in the car.

So far, there have been four video updates.  Here they are, and I’m going to add some permalink stuff up top for them at some point:

Update 1: Where I fail to remove the fuel filter and play around finding the pistons.

Update 2: Where I finally remove the fuel filter and long-winded-ly talk about other stuff.

Update 3:  The Uncle Trace edition, where we stay up way too late and take off the A/C compressor, exhaust, and other stuff.

Update 4:  Now we try to take the rest of the harness and vacuum lines off.

This blog needs to serve as the focus of the rebuild effort.  I have failed to do that.  It’s late and I need to be sleeping right now, but detailed write-ups of what’s been going on shall be posted here soon.

  • Radiator out, it’s not the original radiator and will be replaced
  • All fluids (except brake) drained
  • Fuel filter out
  • Air box, hoses, and resonator out
  • A/C compressor out
  • Exhaust system is removed

I’m working right now to document and remove all of the harness and vacuum connections, then onto the clutch cable, and transmission linkages, pull the axles, and then we’re ready to remove the engine.